In words with the following suffixes, main stress is usually on the syllable immediately before the suffix: -ial, -ic, -ion, -ive, and -ity.
For example:
‘editor – edi’tor-ial
‘atmosphere – atmos’pher-ic
ac’celerate – accele’rat-ion
‘instinct – in’stinct-ive
‘generous – .gene’ros-ity
di’verse – di’vers-ity
Note: In words ending -ative, stress is usually on the same syllable as in the root word.
For example:
in’vestigate – in’vestig-ative
‘speculate – ‘specul-ative
Many words with these suffixes can have stress shift.
For example:
He faces proseCUtion. but: He’s a PROSecution WITness.
When a word ends with one of the consonants t or s and the suffix –ion, this is how it is pronounced:
-tion is pronounced
- /tʃ ə n/ after the letter s: suggestion, digestion
- /ʃ ə n/ after other letters: education, adoption
-sion is pronounced
- /ʃ ə n/ after a consonant: extension, comprehension
- /ʒ ə n/ after a vowel: decision, persuasion
-ssion is pronounced /ʃ ə n/: admission, expression
In nouns and adjectives ending with the suffixes –ant, –ent, –ance, or –ence, stress placement depends on the spelling of the syllable before the suffix (the pre-suffix syllable).
- If the pre-suffix syllable ends with a single vowel letter (V) or a single vowel letter plus a single consonant letter (V-C), stress usually goes on the syllable before the pre-suffix syllable if there is one:
- ‘ignorant (V-C) ‘variant (V) ‘fraudulent (V-C)
con’tinuance (V) ‘reference (V-C) ‘ambience (V) - If the pre-suffix syllable has any other spelling, then stress is usually on the pre-suffix syllable itself:
ap’pearance (V-V-C) corre’spondent (V-C-C) con’vergence (V-C-C) - If the pre-suffix syllable ends with the letter i and the root word ends with the letter y in a stressed syllable, the stress is usually on the pre-suffix syllable:
com’ply – com’pliance re’ly – re’liant
Some of these words ending with the suffixes –ant, –ent, –ance or –ence have a different stress placement from the root:
ig’nore – ‘ignorant re’fer – ‘reference
while others have the same stress placement:
con’tinue – con’tinuance ap’pear – ap’pearance
Notice that the suffix -ment doesn’t usually change the stress pattern in the root:
a’gree – a’greement ‘govern – ‘government
although a common exception is: ‘advertise – ad’vertisement
Exercise 1
You will hear some short definitions. After each definition press ‘pause’, choose from the box and write the word that it relates to. When you press ‘play’ again you will hear the correct answer.
Repeat it and then continue in the same way.
cooperative prosecution allergic hostility
photographic impulsive editorial speculation
Having an allergy. __allergic__
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
8. __________
1. (being hostile to something) hostility
2. (when someone is prosecuted) prosecution
3. (being willing to cooperate) cooperative
4. (a newspaper article giving the editor’s opinion) editorial
5. (when people speculate to make a profit) speculation
6. (acting on impulse) impulsive
7. (being familiar with something) familiarity
8. (to do with photography) photographic
The word with a suffix which is an exception to the rule given above is ‘co’operative’. (It doesn’t have stress on the syllable immediately before -ive.)
Exercise 2
Write the words from the box in the correct column according to the pronunciation of -tion, -sion, or -ssion.
accommodation celebration combustion comprehension
congestion depression digestion erosion exhaustion
explosion expression invasion revision suspension
/tʃ ə n/(e.g. suggestion) | /ʃ ə n/ (e.g. education) | /ʒ ə n/ (e.g. decision) |
accomodation |
Now listen and check your answers. Then say the words aloud.
/tʃ ə n/(e.g. suggestion) | /ʃ ə n/ (e.g. education) | /ʒ ə n/ (e.g. decision) |
combustion congestion digestion exhaustion |
accommodation celebration comprehension depression expression suspension |
erosion explosion invasion revision |
Exercise 3
Underline the syllable which you think has the main stress in the following words.
resident performance defiant convergence
excellence correspondent assistant maintenance
coincidence informant acceptance insistence
reference applicant significance
Now listen and check your answers. Then say the words aloud.
One of these words is an exception to the rules given above. Which is it?
The exception is “excellence’. The syllable before the suffix –ence ends in ‘ell’ (V-C-C) and so stress would be on this syllable if the second rule were followed. (Note that “excellent’ is
also an exception.)
Exercise 4
Decide whether the words in exercise 3 have the same stress pattern as their root word (write S) or a different stress pattern (write D).
resident (D) – (‘resident – re’side)
performance (S) – (per’formance – per’form)
Now listen to the root words and check your answers.
The words with the same (S) stress pattern as their root are:
de’fiant (de’fy)
con’vergence (con’verge)
as’sistant (as’sist)
in’formant (in’form)
in’sistence (in’sist)
corre’spondent (corre’spond)
ac’ceptance (ac’cept)
The words with a different (D) stress pattern from their root are:
‘reference (re’fer)
‘excellence (ex’cel)
‘maintenance (main’tain)
‘applicant (ap’ply)
co’incidence (coin’cide)
sig’nificance (‘signify)
God bless you for this. I have been working on my stress and pronunciation lately and couldn’t find any article or books on stress placement for words that end in – ance. Even my coach wasn’t helpful. This was the tip or rule I have been searching for.